Abandoned Cafe:

There's a place halfway up a mountain where a lot of people can take a nice walk, see a waterfall, and get something to eat at the various ramen stands or cafes set up along the path on the weekends. When one of the places goes out of business, it's just left there. In between functional places there are boarded up houses with "You haven't payed your electricity bill in the last 5 years" posts stuck in the door slot. A couple of the places are in complete shambles, like this one I found. I couldn't really pick out what used to be what here, which made it in all really interesting to look at.

Outside the cafe there were some trees and stumps. After passing them by, I looked back over my shoulder and randomly found one of them to have a face carved into the other side. After going through an abandoned place and seeing this face staring back at me suddenly made me jump a little. I wonder what it used to be, what it was used for, who's face it is, why someone carved it. . .