I always hated art classes. I took one in high school, abhorred it, tried again in college, had an even worse experience, and swore never to attempt it again. Now thinking in retrospect, there are probably plenty of awesome art classes, so long as you can find the right teachers, and I've heard of plenty of great art schools. So don't give up on these things as easy as I've done...
I think the reason that I hated art classes so much was that I already knew how to draw by the time I entered them. No one ever taught me anything I didn't already know. The high school session I mentioned had a teacher who could have taught me plenty, but the pace of the class was just too slow. The college teacher thought that my skill level was somehow threatening her authority, and tried her best to put me back in my place.
I just wanted to say all that because I have no intention of telling anyone anything that can be learned in an art class. They teach stuff there like proportions and drawing from life, using shapes, calculating perspective.. It's all rather useful, but if you're just beginning, you can pick up a book or take a class to gain all this knowledge, or if you already know how to draw, you don't need anyone else bathering on about this...
Nah, what I want to say in this tutorial are all the things that no teacher ever taught me, all the things that I had to pick up on my own in order to get to where I am now. All the tips that no one ever vocalizes because they're just too obvious, or not professional enough. These are the basics of drawing.
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